
Endorsement of GOP candidate: "You’ve got the black one with the reading thing"

Stay classy, Republicans.
Dave Weigel

Via Jonathan Chait, we see Vietnam War hero Bud Day — known these days for his support of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and his habit of constantly wearing his Medal of Honor around his neck — giving Charlie Crist an endorsement he might regret.

“You know, we just got through (electing) a politician who can run his mouth at Mach 1, a black one, and now we have a Hispanic who can run his mouth at Mach 1,” Day said. “You look at their track records and they’re both pretty gritty. Charlie has not got a gritty track record.”

Day confirmed he was speaking of Obama and Rubio.

“You’ve got the black one with the reading thing. He can go as fast as the speed of light and has no idea what he’s saying,” Day said. “I put Rubio in that same category, except I don’t know if he’s using one of those readers.”

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