
Stay classy CNN

Three weeks ago I wrote about new CNN hire Erick Erickson's penchant for extreme attacks on the left, such as calling Justice David Souter a "goat fucking child molester."

Two weeks after his "that was a mistake" mea culpa on air, Erickson is back, this time threatening to shoot census workers.
Media Matters

ERICKSON: This is crazy. What gives the Commerce Department the right to ask me how often I flush my toilet? Or about going to work? I'm not filling out this form. I dare them to try and come throw me in jail. I dare them to. Pull out my wife's shotgun and see how that little ACS twerp likes being scared at the door. They're not going on my property. They can't do that. They don't have the legal right, and yet they're trying.
You know you're off the reservation when you can get the Presidential Pres Secretary to call your comments "Remarkably crazy."

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