
Cantor deliberately lied about gunshot reports

Add this one to the "lying hypocrite" file:

Responding to increase violence, and threats of violence, from the right, Eric Cantor tried to engage on some "me too". He claimed that a bullet was shot at his window this week, apparently hoping to blunt some of the charges that the heated rhetoric his party helped create spilling over into actual violence.

Unlike the severed gas line at the home of the brother of Rep. Tom Periello (whose address had been posted online), this story doesn't hold water. Richmond police say the bullet that hit a window of Republican Virginia Congressman Eric Cantor's office had been randomly fired skyward.

Random gunplay. Not a purposeful attack.


It hit a window in the building in which Cantor has an office (the bullet didn't hit his office) -- it is clear that Cantor willfully misled the media this morning. Cantor and his office knew that they were not targets of the shooting, but they claimed otherwise to score political points.

Let's just get the obvious arguments out of the way first: liberals are not the ones carrying firearms to angry public demonstrations. In fact, liberals are not attending angry public demonstrations, because right now liberals don't actually have anything to be angry about. Liberals just won! Why the hell would they be angrily threatening anyone?

It's the pissed-off raging teabaggers who are furious with the Republicans right now, for failing to stop the thing they promised they would stop.

Sorry Republicans, I know playing the victim is the one thing you guys love doing even more than attacking actual victims of things like hate crimes and economic disadvantages, but no one wants to shoot any of you.
This smacks of the Ashley Todd story. She's the girl who said an Obama supporter cut her face because of a McCain sticker.

Of course, it turned out to be a hoax and a lie to distract from the heated rhetoric that was building up on the McCain/Palin side during the campaign.

Cantor needs to retract his statement and strongly condemn the threats of violence spawned by the climate that his party has helped to create. But that won't happen. What are, to most people, wingnuts are called something else by the GOP: their base.

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