
Wingnuts WAAAY off the reservation, deep end and other sanity metaphors of your choice

For the second time this week, I'm addressing the topic of the growing trend of right-wing terrorism. It's real.
Daily Beast

On the heels of health care, a new Harris poll reveals Republican attitudes about Obama: Two-thirds think he's a socialist, 57 percent a Muslim—and 24 percent say "he may be the Antichrist."

There is a danger to the sort of rhetoric the GOP has used over the past few months. When Rep. Devin Nunes begs his colleagues to say "no to socialism, no to totalitarianism and no to this bill"; when Glenn Beck says the bill "is the end of America as you know it"; when Sarah Palin says the bill has "death panels" -- that stuff matters.

And the stuff on talk radio, of course, was worse. So take the universe of people who really respect right-wing politicians and listen to right-wing media. Most of them will hear this stuff and turn against the bill. Some will hear this stuff and really be afraid of the bill. And then a small group will hear this stuff and believe it and wonder whether they need to do something more significant to stop this bill from becoming law. And then a couple will actually follow through. And one will cut the gas lines leading to house of Rep. Tom Perriello's brother after seeing a tea partyer post the address online.
And then a local Tea Party leader will write: "Oh well, collateral damage." Of course, he'll later remove the comment, when called on it.

Then there are the real nutcases at sites like Confederate Yankee who have gone as far as to suggest the military turning their guns on their fellow countrymen because of the boogeymen created by the wingnuts.
We live in a nation full of freshly-experienced combat veterans and graying patriots alike that still remember their oaths to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The taste of liberty is much sweeter for them, having been to parts of the world where such things cannot be taken for granted. Pray that we are not required to call upon their service in a struggle against our own countrymen. God protect us all if we are forced to such extremes by a power-mad clique intent on transforming citizens into dependent subjects.

I have some hope that the courts will respond favorably to the many states suing to eradicate this unconstitutional scheme, or that November's elections will destroy the Democratic majority and lay the ground for a full repeal of a bad law designed purely for one party's political gain.

The thought of the morally-required alternative is almost too much to bear.
Some of the commenters have suggested armed revolution, disclosing the home address of congresspeople who voted yes on HCR, assaulting congresspeople.... it's insane. Literally. These are domestic terrorists.

Sarah Palin is identifying legislators who voted yes on a map marked with GUNSIGHTS.

Glenn Beck is repeatedly using violent rhetoric to oppose health care.

Don't forget the noose fax sent to Congressman Clyburn, and the disgusting voicemail messages left for Bart Stupak. But the right takes one of two approaches. One, "We don't know for sure who did it. Maybe progressives did this to blame us". Or two, "This is what happens when you take our liberty, enslave us and kill America".





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