
Republicans spit in Tea Party faces by supporting the worst bank practices


Last night, the Republicans were blocking a variety of reforms meant to curb some of the most ridiculous bank practices. Here's the rundown from Ryan Grim:
Tom Harkin was stifled in his effort Tuesday evening to bring a measure to the Senate floor that would cap ATM fees at 50 cents.
Blocked by Republicans.
...one of the most talked-about amendments, cosponsored by Sens. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.). Levin-Merkley would ban commercial banks from trading for their own benefit with taxpayer-backed money.
Blocked by Republicans.
...an amendment from Sen. Kay Hagan (D-N.C.) that would rein in predatory practices of payday lenders and one from Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.) that would have banned naked credit default swaps, which were at the heart of the financial crisis.
Blocked by Republicans.

Hey wingnuts and teabaggers, this is your party. Next time you go the ATM and have to pay $2.50 just to access your own money, thank your party leaders in the Senate. And when banks continue to gamble with taxpayer money and then demand bailouts when they fail, thank your party leaders in the Senate. The Republican Party is engaged in backdoor bailouts of the banks. And you want to elect more of them?

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