
The Tea Party might want to reconsider the Rand Paul/Libertarian affiliation

With Rand Paul repeatedly making the statement that the federal government overreached with the Civil Rights Act in preventing private businesses from discriminating, the Tea Party might want to reconsider their fervent embrace of him.

On first blush, this reactionary racist stuff seems to be right in their wheelhouse. As usual, they haven't thought this through. If the federal government, as their argument goes, does not have the power to be legislating the private choices of Americans, it opens the door to a lot of things that social conservatives find abhorrent.

For example, if the government can't (in the words of the Tea Party) regulate private choices, then the Tea party must immediately drop all opposition to abortion and gay marriage, both of which are private choices.

The Tea Party has never been known for it's logical conclusions, but they cannot have it both ways. Either the federal government ought to have the power to regulate private choice, or it shouldn't.

Please be clear, I'm not saying that the federal government should regulate private choices at every level. I am saying that they ought to have the ability to regulate to stop discrimination of any minority - be it blacks at lunch counters or white grandmas in wheelchairs.

Agree or disagree, at least my conclusion is logical in it's conclusion.

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