
Fox & Friends, the short bus of the news media

Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade has been embarrassing himself more than usual over the last few days on Fox & Friends. Yesterday, after news broke that the cap BP placed on its leaking oil well had to be removed because one of its robots bumped the well’s venting system, Kilmeade had some harsh words for the robot. “I’d love to talk to that robot that knocked…the top off the cap that was in the bottom of the Gulf yesterday,” Kilmeade said. “What was that robot thinking?” he asked in disgust.

Then today, as Media Matters notes, the Fox co-host had had this dim-witted question for President Obama:
KILMEADE: The President took a matter of hours to pick a commander in Afghanistan so why is it taking months to plug the leaking oil?

On Wednesday morning's "Fox and Friends," Carlson was discussing whether Obama would fire General Stanley McChrystal for his controversial remarks in Rolling Stone.

She said that "this is what being president of the United States is all about. It's these tough, huge, monumental decisions."

Carlson then compared the role of the president to that of being a host on "Fox and Friends":
"It's just like our job...what's the role of an anchor during huge breaking news? You remember growing up? You'd tune to the television, and that one moment during the year, they would have to carry a story all along, it's the same thing as being the President of the United States."

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