
Hypocrisy Watch: Teabaggers don't get it

From ThinkProgress, we have Missouri farmer David Jungerman posted a sign on a semi-truck trailer accusing Democrats of being the “Party of Parasites”.

Nice. however, Jungerman has received more than $1 million in federal crop subsidies since 1995. Trying to defend himself from charges of hypocrisy for criticizing others for getting government help while taking government subsidies paid for by taxpayers, Jungerman said, “That’s just my money coming back to me. I pay a lot in taxes. I’m not a parasite.”


This cult all want small government... for everybody else. When it comes to their needs, well, government is just fine.

This is Matthew Perdie. According to Politico: "On Tuesday, the 24-year-old video editor celebrated his year anniversary of setting out from Long Island, N.Y. to walk across the country in support of small government.

And 3,600 miles and 8 pairs of shoes later, he's almost done, slated to arrive in Santa Monica, C.A. on July 4."

Right. Protesting big government by walking 3600 miles on taxpayer funded roads. Walking without fear because of taxpayer-funded police. If he was so interested in small government, then why didn't he go through the woods, to show how we don't need those government-funded roads? I'd also be interested in finding out how Mr. Perdie has managed to take 14 months off of work.

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