So they don't call up immediate resources at the state level while screaming that the federal government (read: the black guy in the White House) hasn't done enough. The same big bad federal government guys like Haley Barbour and Bobby Jindal decry as meddling in state affairs in most cases, and yet want more involvement from now. Yet when they have the opportunity to mobilize at the state level at no cost to them, they won't do it.
Here's another conundrum: if the Guard can be deployed at no cost to the state, local or federal government, then who would have to pay for the deployment costs?
Answer: BP.
Any chance these BP apologists are protecting BP's bottom line while trying to expose Obama to further criticism? They wouldn't play politics with the oil spill.... would they?
Also, this happy bit of news: CNN reports that the average life expectancy for an Exxon Valdez cleanup worker is 51 years. Most are dead. (link). Also Corexit is eating through the bottom of boats in the Gulf. That can't be bad for carbon-based life. Can it?
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