
Oil is not the only brown stuff flowing in the Gulf

L.A. Times

As the shores of Biloxi, Miss., took their turn being slimed by oil Monday, Mississippi officials including Gov. Haley Barbour slammed the federal government and BP for failing to capture the crude offshore.
He cannot have it both ways. He cannot call for an end to government intrusion in state affairs while blasting them for not intruding enough in his state. He cannot rip the Obama administration for not doing enough, when he himself has failed to call up his own National Guard, cost-free to the government, to work the spill.

He's a bloated hypocrite. Three weeks ago, there were no worries...

Barbour described the oil as “weathered, emulsified, caramel-colored mousse, like the food mousse.” “Once it gets to this stage, it’s not poisonous,” Barbour said. “But if a small animal got coated enough with it, it could smother it. But if you got enough toothpaste on you, you couldn’t breathe.”

Gov. Haley Barbour continued to downplay the oil spill and blame the media, without disclosing that oil and gas companies have given $1.8 million to his gubernatorial campaigns.

On June 28th - YESTERDAY! - he was in D.C. raising money for the GOP. “The most important thing right now is the 2010 elections,” he told reporters.

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