
Supreme Court strikes down Chicago handgun ban


In a victory for gun owners, the Supreme Court has declared Chicago’s 28-year ban on gun ownership unconstitutional.

A conservative majority of justices on Monday reiterated its two-year-old conclusion the Constitution gives individuals equal or greater power than states to possess certain firearms for self-protection.

The court however said local jurisdictions still retain the flexibility to preserve some “reasonable” gun control measures currently in place nationwide.

The vote was 5-4, and was along party lines.
However, what I do think is..... interesting.... is a comment on the Liberland site. I wonder how the white bread gun nuts would react. Probably not well.
I say every black man in America should own a gun and we should show up at the next tea baggers klan rally and see if they will have the same heart to call black people ni&&ers as they did when they call John Lewis a ni&&er

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